February 14, 2012

AVR Software UART (Proteus simulation)

What is software UART?

             Software UART is the method of creating serial asynchronous transmission and reception  pins on almost every pins of your avr microcontroller.

Why Software UART?

              Whenever you are in need of more UART pins than given on your microcontroller chip you can use software UART. You can configure every I/O pin as serial transmission and reception pin.

Demo of software UART:

          Here in this demo I have created one software UART on each i.e. on PORTA.1 , PORTB.1 , PORTC.1, and one hardware UART on PORTD.1

            when you run the demo code given below all three software uart and one hardware uart will start working as shown below.

I have used BASCOM for AVR to program my avr-8535 microcontroller.

Here is source code for AVR 8535 and simulation files of Proteus ISIS.


  1. i like ur all posts

    u invite in my blog: pratikgohel13.blogspot.com

  2. Y te crees progrmador por hacer esta poronga??? Y SOY YO! cualquier cosa contactame!!

  3. can anybody help me to solve bug while i send character from my laptop terminal to controller using UART .I am using avr development board and controller 8538

    1. properly check baud rate, parity and no of start stop bits they must be same on both side i.e. micro-controller and pc based terminal.

      main point while debugging...

      do check that Tx of one is connected to Rx of other......

  4. can you please post the source code? I have been trying to get this to work for days now.

    Thank you in advance


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